Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gonoherpesyphilaids Day - Break-up Mix Tape

As you can see, I have been working on one particular tape for awhile. Hence, the page of scribbles and notes above that I have revised over and over since last Spring.

First of all, I have to point out how difficult of a process this was .. not the emotional side, per say, but actually finding a suitable service that creates playlists. I didn't want to just list out the songs, I wanted you to have the option of easily listening to the songs without having to take the time to purchase and download them.

I wanted to find a service that would allow me to add my own mp3s as well because there are some artists on these lists that I knew wouldn't be available as they are independent artists that are not on a mainstream label, i.e. Man Plus and Noddy .. and Mike Park for some reason.

Ok, so about the lists. These aren't necessarily "break-up songs" .. the way I see it, an artist writes a song for themselves to convey a thought or feeling. Most of them release their piece to share their art and to share these thoughts and feelings with the hopes that someone will either like the way it sounds or will relate to the poetry created from real life events. On my side, as the listener, I hear something I like and whether or not I understand what exactly that artist was going through or attempting to express, I try to find my own meaning in the words. Find my own way to relate to it.

A lot of these songs were in my life for some time and only became more apparent and meaningful to me after going through two very difficult break-ups. In one year, I might add .. yeah, it's a process .. haha .. Other songs just happened to fall into my lap during the rough times and when I heard them either my jaw would drop or a tear would well up at the shear coincidence that what I was hearing was exactly what I was feeling at that moment.

This has been the most transformative year of my life. I can't say I wouldn't change anything but I am proud of what I have learned about people, myself, and life in general. There are days when I can see light at the end of the tunnel .. and days when I can't. But I know that this too shall pass ..

Now onto the music ..

dick. records

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V. records - This one is a work in progress

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Honorable Mentions

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A good portion of the 'Honorable Mentions' were suggestions from friends.

Thank you for listenting. I hope you enjoy these songs and artists as much as I have.


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