This photo is a couple of weeks old but the weather conditions aren't much different today .. I love how there are three different images in one .. The rain on the window, the falls colors outside, and the reflection of my hands holding the camera.
Five of my closest friends have left or are leaving town yesterday, today, and tomorrow .. Did that make sense? Some for a couple of days, some for weeks .. It's sad but is a good time for self reflection and hopefully spend some time with my family if this darn cold would go away .. Second time in a month I have been sick .. Good times. I'm thinking of doing a cleanse this weekend, a quick one. Raw foods, herbs, tea, and soup. That way when my friends return, I will be refreshed and (hopefully) healthier and ready for new adventures.
I also plan to be very productive this weekend. Get some painting done (kitchen and bathroom), and some other forms of painting hopefully. Lots of knitting, I would LOVE to make a Christmas pom pom wreath like James of Bleubird Vintage! Her wreath is fall colors, which I LOVE fall colors but it seems a bit late to me. We'll see. My sewing machine is in a black bag with bug killer, more on that in a later post, so that's out of the question.
I am hoping my niece, Mary, who is back from Spain after three years, will stop by with her friend, Jeanette, so we can do some crafting an catching up! So excited to see her!
anyway, I should get back to work ..
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