These are all since I bought my iPhone in March? Some are the original, some are edited with apps ..
This was the day I bought my phone, I also made a stop at Bath and Body Works and bought my favorite scent in bubble bath form. This became a bad habit, tweeting in the tub. I never dropped my phone *knock on wood* thankfully ..
Neumos - Capitol Hill Block Party - Seattle, WA - Edited using ColorSplash
Me n' Ellen on 'Prom Night' .. Edited with CameraBag
One of my favorites, my Dahlia that bloomed off me porch. It got even bigger after this! Love it ..
Frightened Rabbit - Neumos - Seattle, WA - This is also one of my favorites .. Edited with CameraBag and a little iPhoto. One of the best shows I have seen in my life ..
Poly Drive - first photo after leaving the airport in Billings - First time home in over a year
My niece, Madison, after her third birthday .. Passed out with fairy wings, glow stick necklace, and green rubber frogs boots still on
The Smith Tower - Enough said ..
Front porch @ V's
Back porch @ V's
I could seriously have an entire post about clouds .. lots and lots of clouds .. its an obsession
Hailey Sue, my goofy girl ..
Crafts with my girls
Ella and her new love for bykes ..
The Market
ok, that is only a select few .. feel free to check out more here. You can also click on the photos above to head on over to flickr ..
Thanx for looking!