Rachael and Cara text constantly. I guess I am not really one to talk.
We went to Game works .. DANCE, DANCE REVOLUTION!
And Pike Place Market (briefly) .. That's my Dad and Hailey in the middle.
Then we went to Cupcake Royale .. Hailey was in awe of the guy with the one foot tall mohawk. We all simultaneously ate the bottoms of our cupcakes first.
We made crafty things with perler beads ..
Then some Photo Booth fun ..
I made them listen to a lot of Neutral Milk Hotel and Ted Leo and the Pharmacists. To the point where they were starting to know the words.
I missed Bumbershoot but that's ok .. It felt weird not hanging out with my friends. Martha and Paul were at Bumbershoot and Mike and John went to Portland. Maybe we all needed a break from eachother.
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