Had a great weekend! Brought my two groups of friends together for the Noddy show. All my new friends loved it! I was so relieved. The show was SO GOOD! Can't wait to hear more. Photos will be posted soon.
This week is filled with packing, knitting, uploading, cleaning, stressing, rocking, flying, hugging, smiling, eating, drinking, relaxing. Well, probably not the last one so much. Funning! haha .. new word!
The Scottish Invasion is at Neumos on Wednesday night (Frightened Rabbit, We Were Promised Jetpacks, The Twilight Sad .. SO EXCITED!) so I have to get everything ready to go to Montana tonight and tomorrow night. I planned on working 10 hours everyday for Mon, Tues, and Wed but I don't think I can do it. 9 hours each day should be plenty.
I know I won't be finishing, or getting even remotely close to finishing, my knitting. Some people will just have to get some stuff in the mail for Winter.
I am so psyched for Billings. For the first time in about four or five years I get to go and not feel bad about it. Not get shit for it. Not be chastised for it. Not argue about it. Actually, I don't feel bad about anything I do anymore. My life is better. SO MUCH better.
The day I come back is the first day of fall! My favorite season. I am excited for the leaves to start changing so I can photograph my new neighborhood. Here is a peek at what I shot last year:

And this year, no one will make fun of me for taking so many photos of trees ..