It's the end of the weekend, things are winding down and you have to start thinking about the even more dreaded Monday. Is the laundry done? The i have lunches and dinners planned for the week?
For me, Monday is the busiest day at work.
Anyhoo, we were talking about Sunday.
When i was growing up, i despised Sunday evening. Having to think about going to school the next day, the beginning of the week. A whole five more days till the weekend.
Anymore, i reflect on what i did over the weekend. If i didnt accomplish anything i am regretful and feel i wasted the weekend. Sunday gives me regrets. I feel like i dont have any other chance redeem the wasted time. Sunday is an ending of sorts.
But what if it was a new beginning. Yes, i know Monday is the beginning but what if i looked at it more like a fresh start. I get to hit the reset button. Start all over.
Sunday evening i can think of all my new beginnings for the week.
I am not going to dread going to work.
I am going to give myself something to look forward to.
I will work out as much as possible.
I will drink more water everyday.
I will work on something crafty everyday, even if its only for ten minutes.
I will call a friend this week.
I will call my mother.
I will write a letter to my brother.
I will try harder to take the dog for a walk.
I won't lose my temper.
I will get back into cooking (i have been really lazy).
I will clean the house for at least ten minutes everyday.
I am going to study more.
Then next weekend, I am not going to drink so much to cause myself to have regrets about my weekend.
That's a good start.